one of the crucial mistakes that we can lapse into is the unconditional and unintended holification of the past and its symbols as an alternative to present day capitalism, by using them in comparison, sometimes as inevitable devices at defining what is structurally wrong today. such a situation can only arise from our own lack of understanding about what exactly and in which sense is false, and what should be done instead. in most cases such an approach will result in a false romanticism, which, at the end, will trigger a greater leap for capitalism, by provoking the monster this time to take an approach of second-guessing itself with a humanly face (save the planet-ism, responsible capitalism, starbucks culture, corporate ethics, apparent religious/ethnic tolerance which is never met in practice, etc. ). at the end the monster will combine the archaic false with the present one in order to patch the disaster.
the monster is more dangerous today, since the upper structures and their necessities became almost totally interchangeable with the 'real' in one's everyday reasoning. the past problems which used to undermine the system and reflected its inconsistency and triggered mass resistance became a part of the system. however this time as principles, which are under the exclusive mandate of the system itself, for the self proclaimed reason that the capitalist democracy has proved that it is the only way of government which can effectively adapt itself to contemporary needs, without having to neglect the truth by violently repressing it via purely ideological doctrines but rather embracing pragmatic needs arising from the very nature of governing.
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